Agile Research University

supporting authentic research experiences at scale

What is the Agile Research University Program?

The Agile Research University Program is an opportunity for faculty interested in adopting the Agile Research Studios (ARS) model to visit the Design, Technology, and Research Studio at Northwestern University.

During the visit, we'll show you how the components of the ARS model work together to support a successful studio. We'll also show you how to start your own studio. We'll walk you through our ARS Starter Kit and help you design an Agile Research Studio that fits your unique needs.

You'll learn:

  • how we use the agile process to make research progress
  • how our social structures support the development of self-regulation skills
  • how we use our studio tools to support our goals of planning, helpseeking, and reflection

What is ARS?

Agile Research Studios (ARS) is a new socio-technical model that helps faculty who want to train 20+ students to conduct independent research and produce research outcomes without increasing faculty time.

We do this by using a set of processes, tools, and social structures for orchestrating research training within research communities of practice in which students collaborate to learn and conduct research and develop their abilities to be more self-directed. Read the Agile Research Studios paper, watch the DTR documentary, and check out the DTR annual letter to learn more.

How do I get the ARS Starter Kit?

Visit our Start A Studio page for info on how to get the starter kit.